Wednesday, 3 February 2010

I Just Want To Be Happy

I want to grow wings….
Fly high in the sky
Until I reach and touch the burning stars
Hold the scorching stars tight in my palm
Until my skin burns and peels.
I mere price to pay
For my wishes and dreams to come true
I want to sit in a corner, pitch dark room
My hands and legs bound
Befriend the ghosts
Until their booing quietens
And I fear them no longer
I don’t want to be afraid anymore
I want to tear my heart open
From my ribs, the protective shield
That encased it
Forget past heartache, misery & insecurities
That held me back before
Give my heart to a complete stranger
In the middle of a unknown street
I want to know what love is

Can’t you see I just want to be happy?


  1. Beautiful. I hope you write some more. :)

  2. "Poetry is the communication of the soul confined in an alphabet" Your words are filled with depth of feelings and emotions. I have read your poems and write this message to say that what you seek, you have, abundantly. It lies not out there instead it's hidden in your alphabet. Great poetry!

  3. Powerful images; good poem. Are happiness and love synonymous?
